Life is pretty hard, no question about it. But there’s a difference between life being hard and life being pointless. The latter bears with it the heavy load of little things – mainly failures of various sorts – blown out of proportion and eating up the soul. When life becomes pointless, we lose the ability to deal with our problems effectively, because nothing seems worthwhile; you deal with your problems, you don’t with your problems, what’s the difference? Everything is in vain, and it’s simply senseless to work at anything. But what we often don’t realize is the fact that the result of losing hope is depression and depression has the same effect on us as hypnosis - in its mythical sense. It makes us do things, mostly directing our feelings at others, in the way that we, in our right minds, wouldn’t do. There’s a long cycle of things that happens after that, but the ultimate result is that we end up hurting ourselves. We might not see or realize the wrong in our actions right away, but at some point in life, we do, but then it’s too late to fix anything. Although it has been theoretically proven that time is an axis, which means you can go negative (backward) on it, but it hasn’t been proven experimentally yet; point being you can’t go back in time. As human beings, it’s our nature to have goals, some ultimate destiny we’re trying to reach, and in times of depression, that goal seems far away and sometimes even lost…but it’s always there. Although it’s not very easy to find that goal when everything seems hopeless, I can say with almost surety that if you do try to dig it up, it will surely help you to not fall in the abyss of darkness. If you have no option and it’s inevitable that you fall in the sea of depression…you’d be better off staying near the shore, so the waves can carry you back to the land of lost dreams. Once you find your lost dreams, they’re not lost anymore and you can start working on them and hence find a point in life.