Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Dark Journey

Life is pretty hard, no question about it. But there’s a difference between life being hard and life being pointless. The latter bears with it the heavy load of little things – mainly failures of various sorts – blown out of proportion and eating up the soul. When life becomes pointless, we lose the ability to deal with our problems effectively, because nothing seems worthwhile; you deal with your problems, you don’t with your problems, what’s the difference? Everything is in vain, and it’s simply senseless to work at anything. But what we often don’t realize is the fact that the result of losing hope is depression and depression has the same effect on us as hypnosis - in its mythical sense. It makes us do things, mostly directing our feelings at others, in the way that we, in our right minds, wouldn’t do. There’s a long cycle of things that happens after that, but the ultimate result is that we end up hurting ourselves. We might not see or realize the wrong in our actions right away, but at some point in life, we do, but then it’s too late to fix anything. Although it has been theoretically proven that time is an axis, which means you can go negative (backward) on it, but it hasn’t been proven experimentally yet; point being you can’t go back in time. As human beings, it’s our nature to have goals, some ultimate destiny we’re trying to reach, and in times of depression, that goal seems far away and sometimes even lost…but it’s always there. Although it’s not very easy to find that goal when everything seems hopeless, I can say with almost surety that if you do try to dig it up, it will surely help you to not fall in the abyss of darkness. If you have no option and it’s inevitable that you fall in the sea of depression…you’d be better off staying near the shore, so the waves can carry you back to the land of lost dreams. Once you find your lost dreams, they’re not lost anymore and you can start working on them and hence find a point in life.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Unfulfilled wishes and desires manifest themselves in the form of fantasies. Here’s mine: A distant and far away land where the moon and the stars shine bright…where the plants are greener than green…where water is still pure…where the air is fresh, the breeze refreshingly cool…not a single soul anywhere close by…I want to be there at night, sitting on a rock by the lake…undisturbed, and I want the night to stay still.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


I think one of the many ways God showed us He cares about us was with the creation of cats. You come home from a long, hard day, and when your cat comes to greet you, you tend to forget about the problems and feel relaxed. A few months ago, I was very sad one night. I went out to the backyard to get some fresh air. It was late. I must have left the door open because right when I was about to burst into tears, Florence (the cat on the right) came out and brushed against my leg, and started circling around me. I patted her small cute little head for a few seconds and then she sat next to me. I didn't feel lonely anymore, and sometimes that's all it takes to change your perspective, in a good know you're not alone. Just knowing you have a friend close by gives you the strength you need to face your problems with dignity. Epicures says, "It's not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us." I couldn't agree with him more.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Kind Words

People get their hearts broken. It’s an everyday thing. And sadly, it’s people who break other people’s hearts. Why can’t we do something for someone else, JUST to make him or her happy? If we follow basic rules of general courtesy, we can make someone smile. But we don’t do that. Why not? If someone’s life can be better by having you in their life as their friend, why not go for it? Last year, I needed some help on a paper, so I went to the TA. I was having a really bad day that day. After we finished talking about the paper, I said thanks to the guy before leaving. He smiled and said, “The pleasure is mine”. I’m pretty sure he didn’t even know my name. I don’t know his. And I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even remember now that he helped me. But he did. Much more than he did in that paper. I couldn’t believe it then, and still can’t believe it now, how a simple, general polite phrase like that, could make my day. It put a smile on my face. And I think that’s the best remedy for a broken heart. Be it someone else’s or your own.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Weren't times much simpler when we were kids? You knew where home was, and you knew it had everything you needed. There were no two ways about things. Everything was pure. You have so many memories from your childhood. And then as you grow old, things change......people change. Before you know it, you're millions of miles away from the place you once called home and someone else is residing in your paradise. You're in a strange place - different people, different world. Your heart aches for a touch from the past. Some memories are too vague to remember, but too important to forget.

The Heart Speaks the Truth

You hear people say, “It’s better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”. But is it really better? Is it better to have lost someone you loved more than anything than to never have had them in your life in the first place? I think not. If you have never been loved, you can imagine what it would be like, how you would feel, and then hope that someday you would have that. But imagine losing someone and know that they’re never going to come back; that your life has been turned upside down and it’s never going to be the same again. Can there be anything worse than that? It might sound good or touching when you read it in a book, while lying on your bed, about to go to sleep, but in real life, it's not so plausible.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The First Step

In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Just a few days ago, I was studying for one of my final exams...and it was hard to focus because there were so many thoughts in my head. I have been told many times by my friends that I think too much. That's true; I do. I think, then I ponder over it, then I get tired, then I go and make myself a cup of tea, then I think some more and then I try to make sense of it all. I thought it would be nice to share my thoughts with others and see what they have to say about it.....hence the blog. As for the name of it, "mom's daughter", is based on a true story. I was once at a lecture with my mom, and some lady came and started talking to her during the break. When she finished talking to my mom, she turned to me and waited for me to introduce myself. So I pointed at my mom and said, "I'm Mom's daughter". I love my mom very much and I dedicate this blog to her.

Please refrain from stupid comments because I will delete them. Other than that, your feedback is more than welcome.