Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Gist

We have a lot of things we take for granted. The five senses, for example. What a blessing it is to see, to touch, to taste, to smell, to hear! Do we show gratitude for these? Do we even use them appropriately? Just to start us off in life, God gave us these and a few other gifts. Then as we showed some worthiness, or even the potential, of having more, God kept showering us with His mercies. We have shelter to protect us, clothing to cover us, food to live on, and air around to survive on. But we want more. What if, God gave you all that we're worthy of already? Parents, siblings, friends, education, job... what more? Fine you fulfilled your duties, but maybe what you've done is not enough to warrant you some of the things that your heart desires. Like love for instance. Do you deserve true love? What if you've already been rewarded for all the good things you've done? For all the good deeds you're capable of doing? If you want more in life, prove your worth to God first. But what if you've given it all you've got and have nothing else to offer now? And no doubt God has rewarded you too. Look around you. Think of the many people that don't have what you have. Are we greedy in that, that we still want more? How does one calculate if one's deserving of more blessings? But if you truly were the rightful owner of such niceties, wouldn't God have already given them to you? The fact that He hasn't, can be taken as a sign of your incompetency in achieving more high-priced rewards.

Yet after knowing all this, I can't snatch away the desire that fuels my living.

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