Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nailing It In

Humans are called social animals for all the right reasons. Although we come this world alone, we don't exist in isolation. If we did, we'd develop a whole array of emotional, psychological, and physical problems. We need people around us to live an overall healthy life. The interactions from those around us help us in many areas of life. Yet sometimes we forget some pretty obvious rules dictated by common sense, and say or do things to others quite inconsiderately, forgetting to keep in mind that one day we' be at the receiving end of such acts too, for what goes around, comes around.

Here's a list of what not to do when in a particular situation:

Someone is just witnessing a horrible road accident, that involved their mom.

What Not to Do:
Don't tell them the severity of it or how much the victim suffered, or how careless the other driver was.

Someone's deceased mother in the Critical Care Unit, and her kids and husband are in the worst form of emotional pain.

What Not to Do:
Don't talk about the hardships you're facing in finding a suitable guy for your daughter.

Someone opens up their heart to you, telling you the dodge life just gave them, and they're looking for comfort.

What Not to Do:
Don't overlook their hurt by saying 'it happens to everyone, that life's a bitch and they should move on'. [A hug or pat on the shoulder, careful listening, and a few phone calls per week are what the situation demands].

Someone tells you how hard life has become after a significant loss.

What Not to Do:
Don't argue (or even talk) about the insignificance of the loss. It was their loss - you don't know crap about it. Pitiful sympathy is an absolute no as well! [Do the things recommended in the previous situation and think of practical ways to share their burden].

Someone tells you how much they miss someone they've lost.

What Not to Do:
Don't, in any way, tell them to be patient. If you do and they kick you where it hurts the most, I'd come and kick you there too.

Someone's life takes a total 180 turn and they're not themselves, or their old selves, for the next few months.

What Not to Do:
Don't complain about their attitude. They're having to reconstruct their whole worldview and they need time.

Just follow some basic rules of courtesy. Think before you speak and then place yourself in your addressee's shoes and think some more. Think while you're speaking and then think after you're done speaking. There's nothing physically hard in the tongue, yet it can manage to have the head broken!

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